Recent articles by Sponsored Post | Wed, 26 Jun 2024 16:56:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Recent articles by Sponsored Post | 32 32 O-I Glass and Gridbeyond establish innovative battery storage system in Alloa Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:37:41 +0000 Energy storage system at O-I’s Alloa, UK, plant helps balance the grid, reduces peak load, optimizes the use of renewable electricity, and increases O-I’s resilience against brownouts O-I Glass and GridBeyond plan to implement a groundbreaking battery storage solution at O-I’s Alloa, UK facility. The innovative 8MW battery system and supporting energy management system (EMS) […]

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Energy storage system at O-I’s Alloa, UK, plant helps balance the grid, reduces peak load, optimizes the use of renewable electricity, and increases O-I’s resilience against brownouts

O-I Glass and GridBeyond plan to implement a groundbreaking battery storage solution at O-I’s Alloa, UK facility. The innovative 8MW battery system and supporting energy management system (EMS) leverages artificial intelligence to significantly enhance energy efficiency, resilience and sustainability.

“Our energy strategy is grounded in resilience, innovation, and transformation, to embrace cutting-edge solutions that are scalable and sustainable,” said Randy Burns, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer for O-I.

By strategically charging and discharging the battery based on grid conditions, GridBeyond’s AI-powered system helps to stabilise the local electricity grid during peak periods, increases O-I’s resilience against brownouts, and improves the grid’s efficiency and sustainability. It allows charging during times of high renewable energy availability and discharging energy to the site at peak hours of demand. With this approach, O-I is projected to conserve up to 240 tons of CO2 emissions annually at the Alloa facility once the project is operational.

The sophisticated battery management algorithm also helps to maintain a smaller overall footprint of the grid as it smooths out the load during peak hours.

In addition, the battery system will increase power resiliency at the Alloa plant by balancing voltage dips on site and helping to prevent production equipment from tripping out.

“We are supporting O-I’s global sustainability strategy by leveraging localized product and process innovations to transform our operations,” said Jim Rankine, O-I’s UK Managing Director. “From our use of second-generation biofuels, derived entirely from renewable waste materials to leveraging AI to maximise energy efficiency, we are taking a holistic approach to achieving balance across our stakeholder ecosystem.”

“Through its AI platform, GridBeyond is a key player in supporting businesses’ energy transition and helping to deliver net zero. We are extremely proud of working with O-I and use our expertise to support the company to deliver a sustainable future,” commented Michael Phelan, CEO at GridBeyond.

As part of O-I’s vision to be the most sustainable, and chosen, supplier of brand-building packaging, the company aims to reduce GHG emissions by 25% by 2030. To learn more about O-I’s sustainable packaging for wine and its global vision for sustainability, visit the company’s website.

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Have businesses lost control of their energy use? Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:44:50 +0000 Whether your business priority is energy cost reduction, decarbonisation, or a mixture of the two – a successful energy strategy relies on having a degree of certainty and control over what the future holds. But when we recently surveyed 500 businesses across Europe, only 22% said they have good control of their energy consumption, and […]

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Whether your business priority is energy cost reduction, decarbonisation, or a mixture of the two – a successful energy strategy relies on having a degree of certainty and control over what the future holds.

But when we recently surveyed 500 businesses across Europe, only 22% said they have good control of their energy consumption, and only 14% said they have good control when it comes to staying resilient against energy market volatility. This is having a significant impact: 40% said that unpredictable energy costs are limiting their organisation’s growth trajectory.

A range of factors are at play. A tough macroeconomic environment is creating uncertainty over energy cost and supply. Ongoing regulatory changes are proving difficult to keep up with. The distanced post-pandemic workplace is making it harder to track and respond to energy demands. Growing pressure from stakeholders to decarbonise means organisations need to reevaluate the energy spectrum from the ground up.

Amid so much complexity – what steps are organisations taking to strengthen control of energy?

Our research found that there are three key focus areas:

  • Organisations with greater confidence in their data deal better with energy management overall. Our results show that data leaders are more likely (by 27 percentage points) to feel they have good control over their energy consumption, compared with those with little confidence in their energy data.
  • Onsite energy generation is proving a popular way to mitigate volatility. Two-fifths of the businesses we spoke to said the appeal of onsite generation was in its ability to mitigate volatility in the market. It’s easy to see why 63% of businesses said they intend to increase onsite generation capabilities over the next two years.
  • Uninformed leaders are struggling to make the right investment decisions. Ineffective financial assessment frameworks are the number one factor delaying onsite generation. Re-education and reengagement of leadership is critical.

It all adds up to the need for a more assertive approach – one that’s focused on regaining control over an organisation’s energy costs and long-term sustainability.

To help you build the business case for a new strategy, download our report ‘How data, onsite generation and leadership strengthen energy control’. Inside you’ll find more information and recommendations on how to transition energy from a cost centre that drags on business growth to a resource that propels it.

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The Business Energy Tracker 2024 report Thu, 09 May 2024 10:12:14 +0000 For the past two years The Energyst has supported npower Business Solutions (nBS) with their market research. The past two years have seen unprecedented volatility in the energy markets, which has had a major impact on business energy users. Now in its third year, the Business Energy Tracker is a major annual piece of research […]

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For the past two years The Energyst has supported npower Business Solutions (nBS) with their market research. The past two years have seen unprecedented volatility in the energy markets, which has had a major impact on business energy users.

Now in its third year, the Business Energy Tracker is a major annual piece of research into the impact of the energy market on business confidence. Previous reports have been submitted to important stakeholders, including those at government-level, to ensure the voice of business is heard.

It’s an opportunity for your business to have its say on energy risk, how you feel about net zero, and the policy support you would like to receive from the UK government.

This year, we are also looking at the important topic of energy data, and how it informs your energy management and net zero strategies.

We would like to invite you to have your say by completing this year’s survey, which should take around 10-15 minutes of your time.  The survey can be accessed here. 

Many thanks for taking the time to be part of this important research.

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GridBeyond’s latest white paper looks at risk and return for battery storage Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:15:21 +0000 Battery storage investors are witnessing a shifting landscape in the sector, navigating the complexities of tolls, floors, and merchant models. As the energy storage market matures, there is a discernible trend suggesting increasing investor comfort with associated risks. While tolling arrangements and floor prices act to provide a predictable income, the merchant model, where revenues […]

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Battery storage investors are witnessing a shifting landscape in the sector, navigating the complexities of tolls, floors, and merchant models. As the energy storage market matures, there is a discernible trend suggesting increasing investor comfort with associated risks.

While tolling arrangements and floor prices act to provide a predictable income, the merchant model, where revenues are tied to market prices, introduces an element of risk but also the potential for higher returns. As stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of the risk-return dynamics within the battery storage sector, a more balanced and informed investment landscape emerges.

This trend signifies a maturing market where investors are progressively embracing the potential of battery storage assets while strategically managing associated risks, says GridBeyond’s latest white paper ‘Tolls, floors and merchant models: Do higher risks mean higher returns for battery storage investors?’ by Scott Berrie, Asset Development Director at GridBeyond.

The paper also looks at the battery storage models, associated risks and potential profitability. There are numerous financing options available for battery storage assets including tolling model, merchant model and trading opportunities like Frequency Response Services, Capacity Market and Balancing Mechanism (BM), and wholesale market trading. High energy prices, capacity market auctions, new frequency response products, local flexibility tenders and pathfinder projects have further increased investor appetite for energy storage technologies. Investors are also getting more comfortable with the associated merchant risk and understand that in the absence of long-term or government-backed contracts, the market has created mechanisms that allow a route to market for battery systems says Scott Berrie.

Scott Berrie, Asset Development Director at GridBeyond commented, “Storage assets are a great opportunities for businesses which can increase their revenues according to their strategy and objectives while moving towards net zero goals, AI together with a suite of trading services, allow businesses to generate revenues allowing full access-to-market and to the most lucrative balancing services”.

Download the white paper here.

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National Gas Metering pioneers hydrogen powered commercial kitchen Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:21:13 +0000 National Gas Metering achieved a major milestone in its hydrogen strategy with the commissioning of a commercial catering kitchen with appliances that will use hydrogen for cooking. National Gas Metering recently entered into a strategic partnership with Tyseley Energy Park, providing an ideal base to enable research and development into hydrogen gas infrastructure and metering […]

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National Gas Metering achieved a major milestone in its hydrogen strategy with the commissioning of a commercial catering kitchen with appliances that will use hydrogen for cooking.

National Gas Metering recently entered into a strategic partnership with Tyseley Energy Park, providing an ideal base to enable research and development into hydrogen gas infrastructure and metering products, building capability and competence to provide evidence to support the use of hydrogen in commercial settings.

The NGM Hydrogen Team has worked tirelessly with its appliance partner, Falcon Food Services over the last six months in designing a hydrogen service from scratch developing a hydrogen supply system, connection, metering and environment into a commercial kitchen – replicating hotels and restaurants across the country.

The kitchen was built using rigours safety standards and includes safety protective devices both passive and active systems to ensure high levels of process safety.

The team collaborated with multiple external partners and industry stakeholders, including Falcon Appliance manufacturers (who will use the facility to test their appliances working on hydrogen), Metersit, Pietro Fiorentini and Enertek Consultants plus others.

Hydrogen has the potential to support a net zero future and at the point of combustion as it burns without any carbon dioxide releases. The kitchen was officially commissioned to allow the consumption of hydrogen on 29 February.

Metering Head of Commercial Simon Jamieson said: “This is an exciting moment on our hydrogen journey and a testament to how multi partner collaboration can come together to develop solutions that support energy futures.  We look forward to sharing more updates on the projects happening in our facility at Tyseley Energy Park in the future.”

For more information on how National Gas Metering can assist your business with the transition to hydrogen please click here.


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GridBeyond secures 264MW  in T-4 Capacity Market auction at a record high of £65/kW Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:30:43 +0000 GridBeyond secures 264MW  in T-4 Capacity Market auction at a record high of £65/kW The provisional results of the T-4 2027-28 Capacity Market auction were published on 27 February with a total of 42,831MW in capacity agreements awarded to capacity market units at a record high clearing price of £65/kW. Launched in 2014, the Capacity […]

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GridBeyond secures 264MW  in T-4 Capacity Market auction at a record high of £65/kW

The provisional results of the T-4 2027-28 Capacity Market auction were published on 27 February with a total of 42,831MW in capacity agreements awarded to capacity market units at a record high clearing price of £65/kW.

Launched in 2014, the Capacity Market is a mechanism introduced by the government to ensure that electricity supply continues to meet demand by offering to pay providers for making supplies available at short notice. The latest T-4 auction cleared in Round 2 with 42.831GW procured (lower than the target procurement capacity of 44GW) across 540 CMUs. GridBeyond cleared 264MW, including 12.2MW of long duration new build units.

By fuel type the majority of the awarded capacity will come from:

  • Gas (66.97%),
  • Interconnector (15.38%)
  • Pumper storage (4.38%)
  • Demand side response (2.64%)
  • Battery storage (2.37%)

Separately the T-1 Capacity Market auction cleared at £35.79/ kW/year. GridBeyond has secured 254MW – the largest T-1 position for demand side response – in the auction, which took place on 20 February. In total, 7.6GW of capacity was awarded across 277 capacity market units.

Mark Davis, GridBeyond Managing Director for UK and Ireland commented:

“Flexibility plays a crucial role in our electricity system and these auctions are increasingly beginning to shape what our power system could look like towards the end of the decade. But it’s essential that they begin to deliver capacity at scale that is either low-carbon or capable of rapid decarbonisation.

“The aim behind the Capacity Market is to provide an incentive for generators to invest in assets that can provide guaranteed capacity when called upon or face penalties. The auction falling short of its target capacity reinforces the need to push forward with the next generation of flexible energy assets.

“Through our Capacity Market Clearing House GridBeyond has supported a large number of clients and generators in matching short or long positions regarding their capacity obligation so that they avoid the penalties that the delivery body can bestow whilst also optimising their revenue opportunities.”

About secondary trading
One aspect of the capacity mechanism that has not yet received much attention is the secondary trading of capacity agreements. This is when units to transfer their secured Capacity Market agreements to other parties.

While few secondary trades have occurred to date, the need for secondary trading may grow over the next few years as more capacity reaches the end of its life and the proportion of new build capacity, securing agreements prior to being built increases, given that generation assets generally take longer to build and could be subject to project or planning delays.

Recently the government also confirmed plans to make the Capacity Market more aligned to the UK’s net zero goals by increasing penalties for failing to deliver obligations under a stress event from 1/24th of clearing price to 1/4th but this comes with no change in the penalty cap (200% of monthly CM revenue and 100% of annual CM revenues).

Since 2020 GridBeyond has helped a large number of customers and generators to access the Capacity Market through its Secondary Trading Clearing House. This supports participants to clear obligation commitments they can’t meet or receive an obligation if they were unable to gain one thereby avoiding costs and/ or gaining unplanned revenues.



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Addressing your van electrification concerns Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:33:39 +0000 The prospect of saying goodbye to your trusted internal combustion engine (ICE) maintenance, delivery and operations vans might still feel hugely uncomfortable. But, with the 2035 ban on the manufacture and sale of new ICE vehicles, it’s going to happen sooner or later – and doing it sooner offers business benefits. Fear of the unknown […]

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The prospect of saying goodbye to your trusted internal combustion engine (ICE) maintenance, delivery and operations vans might still feel hugely uncomfortable. But, with the 2035 ban on the manufacture and sale of new ICE vehicles, it’s going to happen sooner or later – and doing it sooner offers business benefits.

Fear of the unknown

Organisations’ electrification discomfort is slowing the UK’s van transition down. Just 0.9% of the country’s vans were electric last year, according to the Logistics UK report.

The concerns holding organisations back include EV vans’ payload capacities, single-charge driving distances and potential driver resistance. They also include worries over whether the UK’s charging infrastructure’s adequate.

However, fleet electrification – while a potentially expensive and disruptive transformation – brings with it opportunity. Electric vans offer a visible symbol of an organisation’s sustainability commitment, reduce organisations’ carbon footprints and help save on longer-term operational costs.

Addressing the concerns

Many of the concerns organisations have about switching to electric vans are unfounded or outdated.

In terms of payload, the fear’s that, with EV batteries making electric vans heavier than their ICE counterparts, it won’t be possible (or legal) to carry as much in them. The law in the UK used to limit the weight of loaded vehicles standard-licence holders could drive. However, the government has introduced a concession for EVs allowing for an extra three-quarters of a tonne.

“Can an electric van cover the distances I need it to without me having to stop and charge?” The familiar question regarding EV range is less and less relevant as manufacturers introduce vans able to travel further on a single charge. Fleet management company Webfleet recently set a new world record – an unmodified Fiat E-Scudo travelled 311 miles without needing to recharge!

An organisation’s efficiency – and success – often lies in the hands of its drivers. But fears of driver reluctance to electrify could be misplaced. Recent research by Churchill Expert, Direct Line Group’s specialist fleet insurance provider, suggests approximately 70% of van fleet drivers would prefer to drive electric.

The UK’s behind its target to introduce 300,000 public-facing charge stations before 2030, but lack of infrastructure needn’t be the barrier that prevents electrification. Realistically, converting a fleet of ICE vans to EVs will require an accompanying charging infrastructure investment. Investing in charging facilities – either across a network of sites or even at drivers’ homes – will keep your fleet on the move. It’ll also reduce the strain on the UK’s public-facing facilities.

Plan for success

Planning and investing wisely is crucial to the success of your van fleet’s electrification. Expert partners can offer upfront advice to set you off on the right road and end-to-end support to make sure you don’t take wrong turns along the way.

Drax Electric Vehicles offers an EV suitability assessment to help you prove the value of electrification and organise your transition plan – it doesn’t have to happen overnight. Analysing your existing vehicles’ operational requirements also reveals how best to implement your own charging facilities.

To help allay any remaining driver (or internal decision-maker) anxieties, Drax can arrange test/driving days so you can experience the vehicles and understand the charging hardware.

Added benefits

Fleet electrification isn’t just for beating the 2035 ban. It offers a number of benefits that could give your organisation competitive advantage before the decade’s out.

Firstly, EVs emit zero exhaust emissions. You can aim to power your van fleet with renewable source electricity, or, even better, energy your organisation generates renewably on-site. Switching to an electric fleet will reduce the emissions you have to report and boost your sustainability credentials and net-zero progress.

Secondly, there’s the positive associations customers, prospects and the wider public will make when they see your green vehicles. EVs offer excellent PR opportunities, particularly when you report them in conjunction with other net-zero efforts.

Thirdly, electrification offers operational cost savings. Beyond the initial associated expenditure, consider the ‘total cost of ownership’ for EVs compared to ICEs. EVs’ fuelling costs are lower, as (generally) are their maintenance costs – courtesy of fewer working parts – and they’re exempt from congestion and clean-air charges. To help reduce upfront outlay, government grants can support with the cost of buying and installing charge points.

Don’t go it alone

Another reason organisations postpone electrification is complexity – both real and perceived. Transitioning a fleet of vans that’s operationally efficient can seem hazardous. There’s lots to consider and it’s easy to feel paralysed about where to start.

Engaging an electrification partner can take the strain out of fleet transformation. Collaborating with a specialist like Drax Electric Vehicles will help you plan your transition, secure internal support, manage implementation and optimise benefits. It’ll also help minimise disruption to your business-as-usual operations – and enable you to focus on other business priorities, too.

Get in touch today

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Why the voice of Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs) needs to be heard Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:42:27 +0000 By Anthony Ainsworth, Chief Operating Officer at npower Business Solutions Earlier this year, we launched our second Business Energy Tracker. This revealed the views of 100 UK businesses on the impact of the energy market on their confidence, how they are protecting themselves from energy risk, their wishes for government policy and attitudes to net […]

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By Anthony Ainsworth, Chief Operating Officer at npower Business Solutions

Earlier this year, we launched our second Business Energy Tracker. This revealed the views of 100 UK businesses on the impact of the energy market on their confidence, how they are protecting themselves from energy risk, their wishes for government policy and attitudes to net zero.

It was published at a time of huge energy market volatility and uncertainty, which was reflected in many of the concerns raised by businesses, particularly when it came to energy costs.

We have now launched a new version of the report, Business Energy Tracker: Energy, net zero and business survival: the crucial role of Third Party Intermediaries, which has been updated to include the views of more than 50 Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs).

We work closely with TPIs across the country, and believe that, to get a full understanding of the perspective of business energy users, their views need to be taken into account.

TPIs are a vital part of the business energy landscape, and as such, provide valuable insight. Alongside energy suppliers, they work with business customers on a day-to-day basis, so see first-hand how they are approaching energy purchasing, as well as their attitudes to risk and their plans to invest in energy efficiency and sustainable technologies.

Therefore, this updated edition of the Business Energy Tracker represents a collective voice of both TPIs and businesses on today’s key energy issues.

We have also spoken to independent analysts at Cornwall Insight for an exclusive view on the TPI market and how they believe TPIs will play a crucial role in supporting businesses during the short-term challenges and longer-term sustainability ambitions.

A major year for the energy industry

Without doubt, energy continues to be a hot topic and key concern for businesses. The past 12 months have seen multiple announcements, including government interventions such as the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) and subsequent Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) to provide some support from rising wholesale energy costs.

When it comes to policy, the long-awaited Energy Act was published in October 2023. In addition, new measures announced in the recent Autumn Statement included making full expensing permanent, a plan to speed up grid connections, £960 million for a new Green Industries Growth Accelerator, and the publication of a new consultation for a six-year Climate Change Agreement (CCA) scheme.

In short, there has been a considerable amount for businesses to deal with.

As the UK’s leading business energy supplier, we want to understand the concerns of businesses and represent their views on energy risk, policy and net zero to key stakeholders, including the government.

As we head into 2024, which will likely be a General Election year, the voice of business has never been more important. We are committed to working in partnership with both TPIs and businesses to make sure their voices are heard.

Business Energy Tracker: Energy, net zero and business survival: the crucial role of Third Party Intermediaries is available to download now.

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Flexibility is key to reach a more sustainable future GridBeyond’s energy report says Thu, 14 Dec 2023 12:11:36 +0000 The 2021- 2023 energy crisis and its impact on the global energy system, increased prices in oil, gas and electricity markets. As a result. emphasis and attention from policy-makers refocussed on security and affordability of energy. While this implied a detour on the path to net zero, this also signalled an under-appreciated benefit of the […]

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The 2021- 2023 energy crisis and its impact on the global energy system, increased prices in oil, gas and electricity markets. As a result. emphasis and attention from policy-makers refocussed on security and affordability of energy. While this implied a detour on the path to net zero, this also signalled an under-appreciated benefit of the energy transition—that greater energy security and independence can result from a reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels and an increase of renewables says the report Energy Trends 2024 – Targets, trajectories and temporalities – Contextualising net zero. The Energy Trends White Paper can be downloaded here

However, there are a series of issues connected to renewables which are about their intermittent nature and the integration challenged faced by grid operators. This challenge is further compounded by the diverse array of energy resources scattered across the power grid in terms of both size and location, requiring grid operators not only to take account of the system as a whole, but to manage and respond to in some cases very localised constraints.In addition, the report looks at energy storage and it identifies it as a beneficiary of the transition to a renewables dominant energy mix. This is largely because batteries contribute other services and benefits to the grid besides energy. Energy storage can transform intermittent clean energy— primarily derived from wind and solar—into a reliable source of 24/7 generation.

Finally, Energy Trends 2024 looks at how some markets have taken action to further expand the flexibility available from the demand side to support the grid during peak periods such as the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) in the UK, the ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service in the US, introduction of ancillary services in Japan.

“The energy sector stands on the brink of its next evolution. Innovators are leading the way into a fresh era characterised by a strong emphasis on sustainability and efficiency, which are now considered essential rather than optional. At the same time, to achieve net-zero emissions, companies are redefining their strategies, embracing a flexible approach to energy utilisation as a core asset in remaining competitive within in this new landscape. Flexibility is key to ensure the success of the energy transition to a net zero future” commented Michael Phelan CEO and co-Founder at Gridbeyond.

The Energy Trends White Paper can be downloaded here

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National Gas Metering to develop hydrogen demonstrator and test facilities Thu, 19 Oct 2023 15:11:27 +0000 National Gas Metering will develop hydrogen demonstrator and test facilities, including a commercial kitchen at Tysley Energy Park, Birmingham. National Gas Metering announced that it has signed a lease and agreement with Tyseley Energy Park (TEP) one of Europe’s most ambitious and growing energy parks based in East Birmingham. The agreement with TEP includes provision […]

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National Gas Metering will develop hydrogen demonstrator and test facilities, including a commercial kitchen at Tysley Energy Park, Birmingham.

National Gas Metering announced that it has signed a lease and agreement with Tyseley Energy Park (TEP) one of Europe’s most ambitious and growing energy parks based in East Birmingham.

The agreement with TEP includes provision for local office space and space within the industrial building previously used by the manufacturing business to develop a hydrogen demonstrator and test facilities.

The facilities enables National Gas Metering to build and showcase its hydrogen competencies and develop world-leading customer-focused products that will support consumer’s net zero ambitions.

The advanced metering solutions will be designed to accommodate the specific properties of hydrogen gas, ensuring precise measurement for billing, monitoring, and resource optimisation. Through its state-of-the-art hydrogen meters, National Gas Metering will empower clients to harness this innovative energy source with confidence, while maintaining the highest safety standards.

TEP was born out of Webster and Horsfall’s 300-year-old manufacturing business and continues the theme of industrial innovation and seeks to create new systems and collaborative working opportunities that ensure Birmingham is the epicenter of the new green industrial revolution.

The park itself houses a 10MW biomass power plant, produces green power (10.4MWe) from waste wood, houses the UKs first low and zero-carbon refuelling station which supplies public and commercial vehicles with a range of low-carbon fuels, including the largest green hydrogen refuelling station in the UK (Motive Fuels). This along with a research and development space that supports business growth amongst low-carbon energy businesses.

Chris Wood, Hydrogen and Innovation lead for National Gas Metering says, “This agreement provides a space which we can develop the next generation of metering products which will enable hydrogen to be used safely and in support of our customers and consumer’s needs. We have some exciting and innovative plans at the energy park which we will showcase over the coming months. We’re incredibly excited by the range of possibilities and TEP is the right place for us with a fantastic team and range of innovative projects and businesses which we can collaborate to enhance our offering”.

David Horsfall Director of Property and Sustainability at Tyseley Energy Park said, “We are delighted to welcome National Gas Metering to TEP. Our mission is to work with world-class partners to find solutions that will underpin the transition to a low or zero-carbon future. National Gas Metering bring a team of innovators that will be delivering a first-of-a-kind hydrogen kitchen that builds on a cluster of hydrogen-related activity already underway across the TEP. We believe that the work NGM are doing will positively contribute to businesses and the citizens of Birmingham whilst reducing CO2 emissions.”

Find out how National Gas Metering can help your business transition to Hydrogen by visiting its website here.

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Tackling net zero risks in business – new report Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:56:40 +0000 Find out about the actions your business can take today and tomorrow to progress your journey to net zero. Register to download the report Last year’s business energy challenges In the last year, businesses have had a long list of problems to tackle – from rising energy prices, interest rates and inflation; to navigating their […]

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Find out about the actions your business can take today and tomorrow to progress your journey to net zero.

Last year’s business energy challenges

In the last year, businesses have had a long list of problems to tackle – from rising energy prices, interest rates and inflation; to navigating their eligibility for support through schemes like the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) and Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS).

Promising energy transition

But the mood among businesses surveyed is optimistic and there’s a strong focus on delivering net zero strategies. However, the wider business context is still tough. Many organisations continue to struggle in the current economic climate, and some organisations hesitate to take firm steps on the path to net zero.

Learnings from our net zero survey findings

Rather than stow away energy transition plans for a distant future, what steps can be taken to overcome the risks faced today, and new challenges on the horizon?  We surveyed 300 businesses to find out how they are planning to overcome net zero risks and accelerate their net zero plans.

Managing today’s net zero risks

GHG reporting – 68% of businesses say Scope 1 and 2 reporting is part of their net zero plans. But few are thinking about Scope 3 emissions – focus here needs to grow.

Stakeholder pressure – Organisations are being held to account: 35% of organisations say they are increasingly under pressure to take environmental action.

Greenwashing – Greenwashing was identified as a risk that’s influencing the net zero energy strategy of 60% of organisations. Transparency is critical.

Funding – With interest rates remaining high, access to funds for the energy transition continues to pose a challenge for 43% of organisations.

Accelerating commercial net zero plans

To hedge against the rising cost of CO2 emissions, our research found that organisations are already:

  • switching from coal to biomass or natural gas (29%)
  • shifting to clean energy supply contracts (20%)
  • building onsite renewable generation (17%)

But our research also found that many important net zero initiatives remain in the pipeline. For example, just one-fifth of businesses say they have already shifted to clean energy supply contracts. This is an important opportunity that’s not to be missed.

Our research also found that hydrogen-based solutions still feel a long way off for many companies. Most organisations say that a lack of technology maturity is holding hydrogen back. But the idea that the technology is not ready is a myth — and it is stopping too many organisations from acting.

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Take part in the npower Business Solutions survey on energy and business confidence Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:23:17 +0000 For the past two years, npower Business Solutions (nBS) has conducted a major piece of research – the Business Energy Tracker – among medium and large businesses. This study asks their views on the energy market, government policy and net zero, and the impact these are having on their confidence to invest. This year, they […]

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For the past two years, npower Business Solutions (nBS) has conducted a major piece of research – the Business Energy Tracker – among medium and large businesses. This study asks their views on the energy market, government policy and net zero, and the impact these are having on their confidence to invest.

This year, they are also including the views of third party intermediaries (TPIs). As a key part of the business energy landscape, you provide a unique view on the key issues impacting your customers, so can offer valued insight on how they have been navigating the recent energy crisis.

These will be summarised and included in a new version of the Business Energy Tracker, which will be released later this year.

To take part, we have created a short survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes, the survey can be accessed here.

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Vehicle to everything can be the answer to support the grid new GridBeyond paper says. Wed, 07 Jun 2023 10:43:16 +0000 Vehicle to everything can be the answer to support the grid new GridBeyond paper says. Electric vehicles (EVs) are expanding at a fast pace in several of the world’s largest markets. This is being driven by governments and automakers who are promoting electricity powered vehicles as a key technology to curb fossil fuel use, fight […]

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Vehicle to everything can be the answer to support the grid new GridBeyond paper says.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are expanding at a fast pace in several of the world’s largest markets. This is being driven by governments and automakers who are promoting electricity powered vehicles as a key technology to curb fossil fuel use, fight climate change and air pollution, but rapid EV uptake is also creating challenges for the grid according to GridBeyond’s latest white paper The Electrification Era- Scaling up Electric Vehicles. You can download the report here. 

This white paper looks at the impact of EVs in some of the world’s largest markets and what are the challenges and opportunities faced by each country. It also considers how EVs could revolutionise the way energy is managed and used through vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology. The paper also looks at EV fleets and the opportunities for businesses to not only secure additional revenues but to further boost their green credentials by helping the grid to increase levels of renewables generation in the energy mix.

V2X is the overall term for different forms of bi-directional charging and discharging of the EV battery, including vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-building (V2B), and vehicle-to-load (V2L) have the potential to revolutionise the way we use and manage energy in transportation, homes and businesses. This means that when power supply is low and demand high, connected EVs can instead release power back into the electricity network or the site on which they are parked.

Michael Phelan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive, GridBeyond commented:

“The amount of new added demand for electricity will by itself become a challenge for grids all around the world, and in particular for grids that are constrained. With charge timing, the challenge is when consumers will charge their vehicles. In most grids, the peak hours are the ones right when people are arriving home from work, so if business fleets finish operations at 5pm and immediately plug their EV fleet in to charge, that is going to be difficult for the grid operator. However, with challenge comes opportunity. Given EVs are essentially a battery on wheels, they can be utilised as an energy storage system.

“Price dynamics are already creating an opportunity for EV owners. We are helping some of our customers by finding the optimal tariffs to reduce their charging costs. By automating their systems to charge only when the electricity price has fallen to a given level, we are helping to reduce our customers’ costs.

“By going beyond optimisation and enabling bi-directional vehicle to grid (V2G) charging, these customers could send electricity back to the grid at times of peak demand. This creates a new revenue stream, by providing flexibility services when the price is right.”

The Electrification Era – Scaling up Electric Vehicles can be downloaded here

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Energy intense industries must revaluate energy models to avoid grid resilience cliff edge, report finds. Fri, 02 Jun 2023 10:04:41 +0000 Energy intense industries must revaluate energy models to avoid grid resilience cliff edge, report finds With grid instability and energy security continuing to prove challenging to industry across Europe, a new report is highlighting solutions for high energy users to navigate a complex energy market and avoid downtime from grid resilience issues. As rising costs […]

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Energy intense industries must revaluate energy models to avoid grid resilience cliff edge, report finds

With grid instability and energy security continuing to prove challenging to industry across Europe, a new report is highlighting solutions for high energy users to navigate a complex energy market and avoid downtime from grid resilience issues.

As rising costs resulting from Europe’s energy crisis begin to settle, the report, titled Race to Resilience, indicates that ongoing energy instability means power supply remains a major concern for energy intense industries at risk of shortfalls.

According to Aggreko, high energy users across Europe are in a precarious position in terms of future energy supply and security, particularly as investment in capacity for renewables for the grid is increased. As the relief packages for businesses’ energy bills across multiple European countries finish in 2024 and the EU’s gas price cap agreement ends in February 2024[1], concern is being raised that this will compound issues further.

From this, the report explores how facilities can secure enough power both now, and in the future, highlighting a revised approach to decentralised energy as the route capable of improving security of supply, reducing transmission losses and lowering carbon emissions.

Chris Rason, Managing Director, Aggreko Energy Services, comments: “The unpredictability of Europe’s power network, combined with ongoing energy instability means wide-scale uptake of autonomous models has the potential to transform Europe’s energy system. And while many high energy users have taken initial steps towards decentralised models, a revaluated approach to on-site power is crucial for industry to move forward – especially given the critical issues in play.

“Aggreko’s Race to Resilience report therefore aims to bridge the gap between today’s challenges of exponential energy demand and supply disruptions, with tomorrow’s objectives of security and sustainability.”

The report gives prominence to microgrids, gas-powered generators, combined heat and power, and energy storage as decentralised solutions able to deliver enhanced energy resilience and gives practical examples of these in action. One scenario was a 12MW industrial facility facing a planned shutdown of local power infrastructure. Here, Aggreko deployed a microgrid, using a diesel system alongside gas and battery solutions, to give the site a complete standalone solution.

To give decision-makers a starting point when identifying such models, the report also highlights a series of calculators developed by Aggreko – these include the Hire Vs Buy, Grid Compare, Data Centre Power Selector and Greener Upgrades calculators.

Chris concluded: “The development of new technologies has paved a way to resilience through a more autonomous, smarter and greener energy model. However, with upgrades through outright purchases proving difficult due to supply chain disruption and capex costs, bridging solutions offer a risk-free way to make this step and balance plant, profit and product.

“While volatile markets have always been difficult to navigate, the current state of energy instability, compounded by ailing grid infrastructures and pressure to reduce emissions has put high energy users at a key turning point. The solutions put forward in Aggreko’s latest report therefore aim to light the path towards new energy models for Europe’s biggest industries.”

To download the free Race to Resilience report click here.

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Atlas Copco innovates in construction and maintenance of critical energy infrastructure Thu, 18 May 2023 13:35:30 +0000 A new Smart Tensioning System (STS) has been launched by Atlas Copco. Designed to further improve safety whilst reducing overall processing time by as much as 50% in the construction of critical energy infrastructure such as wind turbines and nuclear reactors, Ensuring an even more cost-efficient, accurate and traceable bolt tensioning solution for field-based applications […]

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A new Smart Tensioning System (STS) has been launched by Atlas Copco. Designed to further improve safety whilst reducing overall processing time by as much as 50% in the construction of critical energy infrastructure such as wind turbines and nuclear reactors, Ensuring an even more cost-efficient, accurate and traceable bolt tensioning solution for field-based applications in the energy sector, the STS is the first fully integrated system that’s able to guide the operator through every step of the bolt tensioning process.

By combining the power of its state-of-the-art tensioning technology with total data capability, including integrated pressure torque and angle sensors, Atlas Copco’s latest upgrade to its Smart Connected Bolting portfolio, not only reduces processing time by up to half but also prevents errors and rework, thereby saving operators both time and money.

The Smart Tensioning System itself is a combination of three key core components; the Smart Tentec Tensioner (STT) delivering up to 2000 bar of pressure with a fail-safe mechanism and status LEDs for operator guidance; the Power Focus Hand Controller (PFHC) which provides a single hand controller for all functions. The PFHC features HTML connectivity for live data monitoring, an integrated barcode scanner to ensure complete traceability, pressurisation buttons and a user-friendly LED operator display. And finally, the compact and portable SP2000 hydraulic power pack with low vibration, built-in circuit breaker protection and 230V single and 400V three-phase options.

Commenting on the launch of the Smart Tensioning System (STS), James McAllister, General Manager, Atlas Copco Tools and Industrial Assembly Solutions, said:

“Until now, the bolt tensioning process has been dependent on equipment and operator efficiency. STS is the first truly smart bolt tensioning system which enables the whole tensioning process to be guided and measured, for absolute accuracy andconsistency. Atlas Copco’s launch of the STS represents an innovative addition to our portfolio of smart tooling solutions, in the drive for ever more cost-effective and zero defect assembly and maintenance. This next level of traceability and data-driven insight will be a real asset in helping energy companies improve both human and business performance, which is all the more compelling in the current economic climate.”

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